Foto: Wenche Strømhaug |
På kort varsel, 2 uker, klarte vi å fylle retauranten helt opp, folk var i strålende humør og alle var veldig fornøyd med både lokalet og med maten. Og det virket i all beskjedenhet som at dansen slo an også.....
Foto:Wenche Strømhaug |
Ettersom så godt som alle gjestene var "mine" mennesker kunne jeg velge musikk og danser som ikke nødvendigvis ville egnet seg i en "vanlig" restaurantsetting. Madjensi og trommesolo slår alltid an, men milaya og klassisk Oum Kalsoum er kanskje for spesielt intersserte.
I am so pleased, the evening at Marakkech was very succsessful! It was a short notice, 2 weeks, but the restaurant was packed with students from Navlen and their friends. Everyone was in a great mood, everyone enjoyed the restaurant and the food. And it seemed, in all suitable modesty, that they enjoyed the dance as well.
I haven't danced in a restaurant for many years, and I was a little nervous before getting started. The applause was loud from the second tone of the intro, it was clear that everyone WANTED to enjoy themselves and the dance. So I was just dancing and enjoying myself! For the first time in my life, I danced in a comfortable badla, and that was great! It seems it is about time to renew the wardrobe a little...Eman Zaki has many georgeous new costumes in her latest collection...
Almost everyone in the restaurant was "my" guest, and therefore I could choose music and choreographies that maybe wouldn't work in a regular restuarant setting. The madjensi and the drum solo are always safe bets. The milaya and classical Oum Kalsoum pieces are maybe suitable for people with a special interest in belly dance. I
Det var en kjempe hyggelig kveld Hilde! Håper det blir arrangert minst en gang til? Det så ut som at gjestene og de som jobbet der storkoste seg. Oum Kalsoum er rett og slett ikke et dårlig valg! Det var helt nydelig.
SvarSlettJa, jeg håper på gjentagelse!I mellomtiden er bare å huke av 25 februar til Layali Raqs!